Category Archives: Fitness


Can you lose weight working out 10 minutes a day?

  Whenever we get busy, the first thing to usually deteriorating is our workout routine, [...]

Do Collagen supplements really work?

  Collagen supplements, and its various forms, has been exploding in popularity recently. But is [...]

Can you hurt your baby by exercising? New Research Has Been Revealed

Exercise during pregnancy may let mothers significantly reduce their children’s chances of developing diabetes and [...]

What’s the best supplements for muscle growth?

  Supplements can improve physical performance during resistance training and help stimulate muscle growth. Micronutrients [...]

What’s best to eat before and after a workout?

  It’s one of the most asked questions when it comes to exercising and diet: [...]

Can ABS be worked out every day? Top tips for your Abs Training

  Abs training is necessary, no matter if you are aiming for a simple 6-pack [...]

What are the best exercises for glutes? Home workout revealed…

When you think of the nature of the glutes and how important they are for [...]

3 main myths and fallacies about weight and strength training

Strength training — also known as weight or resistance training — physical exercises which are [...]

How to lose weight and exercise when you have nagging knee or back pain

The most popular goals for the New Year continue to revolve around weight loss and [...]

Can you be fit and drink alcohol?Here’s how alcohol impacts your fitness routine

Moderate alcohol consumption provides a few benefits like the risk of dying due to heart [...]