How can I stop hair fall naturally?

Hair fall sometimes feels like losing a part of identity.

Maybe some of us abide by the age old remedy of oiling hair to help increase hair growth.

But It is important to understand that a high protein diet and increasing the intake of supplements like biotin, folate, sulphur, zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 helps to reduce hair fall.

Holistic hair health requires nutrition inside and outside and since our luscious mane brings us confidence.

We all know, a good hair day can always set our mood for the day.

So we got a few tips to sort out hair fall and recommend some superfoods to not only get strong and healthy hair but also promote hair growth.


First of all, we recommend consuming iron-rich foods to improve iron storage and ferritin levels.

These include green leafy vegetables, cocoa powder, dark chocolate, oatmeal, cereals, wheat germ, beans and tofu, nuts, pumpkin and squash seeds, liver and molluscs, among others.

Those who can eat eggs should consume the same often as eggs are a great source of protein and biotin, two nutrients that promote hair growth.

Also, fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidant properties must be consumed for the nourishment of hair and scalp from within.

Also, there is a need to drink as much water as possible and avoid excessive sun exposure.

Stressing that what we consume and what we apply are equally important when it comes to hair since holistic hair health requires nutrition inside and outside.

Your diet should contain generous amounts of green leafy vegetables like spinach that is a rich source of iron and folate needed for strong hair.

Other foods like berries, beans, sweet potato etc provide essential nutrients to help improve hair health.


You can consider adding superfoods and green supplements for your daily dose of hair vitamins and minerals.

Another key component you should include in your daily diet is Biotin or Vitamin B7.

They both reduce hair fall and also helps promote stronger hair.

Ensure that you switch to clean and plant based hair care products that nourishes your scalp and hair.

Apart from these, reducing stress, avoiding heat styling or avoiding using too many hair products and taking medicines prescribed by a dermatologist too aide in reducing damage to hair.

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