3 Things Your Fitness Instructor Doesn’t Want You to Know About Weight Loss

Burning fats to achieve weight loss goals does not have to be complicated.


Well….Unfortunately, this is exactly the case, with many weight loss myths floating around the internet causing unnecessary pain and frustration among many of you who want or are planning to shed unwanted pounds.

Now is the time to debunk these lies.

Listed here are 3 Things Your Fitness Instructor Doesn’t Want You to Know About Weight Loss:

You Can’t Add Muscle And Lose Weight

According to the International Journal of Obesity, your muscles contribute to a whopping 20 percent of your metabolic rate, while your fat mass uses 3 percent of your energy.

All this means is that staying lean involves adding muscle through strength building exercises.

Metabolic rate, as defined in the second edition of the “Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition,” is “the overall rate of tissue oxidation of fuels by all the body’s organs.”

The fuels mentioned are “the carbohydrate, fat, protein, alcohol, and minor dietary components” that are oxidized in the tissues, oxygen that is being taken up by your lungs and the combusted end products such as carbon dioxide, water and urea that are being excreted by your lungs, urine and skin.

In other words, it determines how well you burn off fats and utilize protein, all of which can lead to either weight loss, retention or gain as well as added muscle.

Some strength-building exercises for gaining muscle include weightlifting and exercises that use your body weight as natural resistance such as push-ups, crunches and leg squats.


Swapping “Bad” Fats For “Good” Ones

Most foods contain a mixture of both types (of fats).

The “bad” saturated fat present in rib-eye steak contains about the same number of calories as healthier salmon. In addition, feta cheese is weighed lighter than nuts.

According to Harvard University’s The Nutrition Source, saturated fats negatively impact health when consumed in excess, though not as much as trans fats, which are found mainly in processed foods.

Foods that contain large amounts of saturated fats include red meat, butter, cheese and ice cream. Saturated fat is also present in some plant-based fats such as coconut oil and palm oil.

On the other hand, “good” unsaturated fats — monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats — lower your risk of diseases. Foods that are high in unsaturated fats include nuts, seeds, fish and vegetable oils such as olive, canola and sunflower oils.

Carbs Are Bad For You

There is no need for you to follow a minimal to no-carb diet for weight loss. Instead, just aim for one gram of carbs per pound of bodyweight in the hour after training. It is the optimal formula for storing those grams as muscle, and not as fat.

Carbohydrates all break down into blood sugar or glucose that fuels your body.

However, while simple carbs such as those found in regular pasta and white bread tend to release glucose faster (which have a side effect of causing a spike in insulin levels — not a good thing if you are suffering from diabetes), complex carbs such as those in leafy greens, sweet potatoes and brown rice break down slowly.

For instant physical energy daily, simple carbs should do the trick. If you want to lose a lot of pounds or maintain your weight, it is good to consume more high-fiber carb sources.

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