Drinking green tea for weight loss? Here’s how it helps you shed some kilos

Green tea is  not just a herbal teaIt has become of the most common health beverages consumed by people looking to lose weight.

So if you are looking for herbal tea to add to your diet- look no further…

Even health professionals like dieticians and nutritionists have started recommending people to include herbal tea like green tea in their diet as it is known to be good for the health.

But it’s important to remember that everything is good only if consumed in moderation and you can’t be drinking green tea the way you drink water. It has to be limited and you can always replace your sugary drinks like sodas with a cup of fresh green tea. 

Here’s how green tea helps accelerate weight loss

2. Green tea is known to make you feel less hungry. It suppresses your hunger and your craving by making you feel fuller.

3. The fat cells in our body need to be broken down before moving to the bloodstream in order to burn fat. The antioxidants in green tea do just that.

4. Green tea is known to improve muscle endurance so a cup of green tea before working out can make you feel more energized. It also supports muscle recovery.

5. Belly fat has become a common problem that is linked to diabetes and cholesterol and other chronic health conditions. Green tea is known to have ingredients that target belly fat and help with reducing some inches around your belly.

6. Green tea makes for a great health beverage. It is a refreshing drink that you can consume instead of an energy drinks that are high in calories. On the contrary, green tea contains very few calories. This means lesser calorie intake and fewer calories to burn.